Ham Radio 2000 #2
Ham Radio 2000 - Volume 2.iso
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211 lines
3..How do I access it
4..Pif File
5..Pif File (win95)
* Allows you to find out what mail you have WAITING to be FORWARDED.
It will also tell you the date which needs to be passed before
this mail is sent out.
* It also allows you to find out if you have any NEW MAIL waiting
at your station remotly with /qu rx
* Allows you to delete system mail messages /qu rx delsys
* Facility to zip unread mail to a file for moving to another
computer zips to c:\newmail.zip
* Alows you to read you archived mail and copy to a: \ or c:\ drive if you wish
Archived mail is stored in \winpack\archive\send
and \winpack\archive\receive
* Will delete 7+ mail which you have sent and the bakup server
has stored in \winpack\archive\send
* New version has been speeded up slightly as well.
If you find the program is running slow try doing ALT + ENTER
to maximise the screen display (it speeds it up a bit!)
Copy all files in \winpack\extern
Then set up qu.pif (Important) see note 4
If you intend to use /qu rx zipnew make sure you have pkzip
in your dos path. Find this out by going to ms-dos prompt
typing pkzip if the program starts up then pkzip it
setup otherwise you got some extra work to do!
QUSTART.COM is now included to delete qu's temporary files
which was causing some problems with win95 users. Thanks
goes to G0ATR for spotting the error.
To have you archived mail sorted into callsign order put the
following into your autoexec.bat file.
SET DIRCMD=/O:N make sure this line does not have /p in it
Thanks to G7RSA for noticing the /p error.
3..How do I access it
This has got a little complicated since last version but here goes..
Some people have been having problems because they don't know
what to expect as output so iiv included some screen shots. I hope
this clears things up...
/QU HELP = Help file (You will need this!)
/QU = Mail to be forwarded (looks like following)
Personal Mail Investigator: /QU
20/7/96 23:17 G4NVB@GB7BEN.#43.GBR.EU Re: IP Router
20/7/96 23:24 G7RSA@GB7BHM.#29.GBR.EU Re: * Cracked it *
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + Received Mail + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
/QU RX = Mail Received
Personal Mail Investigator: /QU
New Mail Message(s) -> 0
Read Mail Message(s) -> 213
System Mail Message(s) -> 0
7+ Mail Message(s) -> 0
Will zip all unread mail to c:\newmail.zip so you can take this
to another computer and still read your unread mail
When you got a /reqfil /reqdir /finger or any other mail server
operation you will have this mail message marked with a S status
by winpack by using this option these junk mail messages will be
Deletes Recieved 7+ mail messages not from \7decode directory
just from your mail folder. It's safe to run this command when
only part of you file has been downloaded
Ok this was requested because one station who was suffering from
unwanted personal mail.
To set this up edit the file qu.cal and add in the callsigns
you wish to delete.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + Archived Mail + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
* /QU ARR n = Archived Recevied Mail
* /QU ARS n = Archived Sent Mail (Backup)
The output should look like the following....
Personal Mail Investigator: /QU
301 G7OCW @GB7MAX.#28.GBR.EU---------------- 7+ TELE.ZIP 1/2
302 G7OCW @GB7MAX.#28.GBR.EU---------------- 7+ TELE.ZIP 1/3
303 G7OCW @GB7MAX.#28.GBR.EU---------------- test
304 G7OCW @GB7MAX.#28.GBR.EU---------------- test
305 G7OCW @GB7MAX.#28.GBR.EU---------------- test
306 G7OCW @GB7MAX.#28.GBR.EU---------------- /REQNEWS
307 G7OCW @GB7MAX.#28.GBR.EU---------------- 7+ FINGER1.ZIP 1/4
308 G7OCW @GB7MAX.#28.GBR.EU---------------- test
/QU ARR R # = Reads a mail message from archive where # = message number
/QU ARS R # = Same again but for archived sent mail
e.g. /qu ars r 303 to read message number 303 from archived sent mail
/QU ARR R # A = Copy message # to a: works for ars as well
/QU ARS R # C = Copy message # to c: works for arr as well
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + Deleting Sent 7PLUS + + + + + + + + + + + +
/QU ARS DEL7+ = Deletes first 100 Messages the contain 7+ in the first 2 characters .
/QU ARR n DEL7+ = Deletes n to n+100 Messages the contain 7+ in title
When a 7+ mail message has been detected and deleted it is
marked in the title as 7+ Deleted.
e.g. /qu ars 3 del 7+ would delete the following messages.
301 G7OCW @GB7MAX.#28.GBR.EU---------------- 7+ TELE.ZIP 1/2
302 G7OCW @GB7MAX.#28.GBR.EU---------------- 7+ TELE.ZIP 1/3
307 G7OCW @GB7MAX.#28.GBR.EU---------------- 7+ FINGER1.ZIP 1/4
* Archived mail uses a number e.g. 2 for 200 this will list
messages from 200-300 i.e. the program does 2 times 100
/QU ARS LOT DEL7+ = Deletes ALL Messages the contain 7+ in title
This command gave me back a stunning 12meg...
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
/QU ARS ALL and /QU ARR ALL will create a file c:\arr.lst
or ars.lst depending on the arhive type
which contains the entire list of you arhived messages.
This is useful for quick look up as winpack can only handle
about 100 lines into it's buffer as once. This was put in because
my sent mail is in excess of 500 msg's.
Remeber external programs require winpack versions > 5.1
4..The Pif File (This must be done!)
You must set up the directory in the pif file this done by
go into main window select the icon called pif editor
open the file \winpack\extern\qu.pif
Set up the directory to qu.exe it is currently
c:\windows\winpack\extern and then save the file
5..Pif File (win95)
To change the "PIF" in Win95, you need to browse to
in "My Computer", right click on the icon and then use "Properties".
To set the directory, you select the "Program" section of
To get it to run minimised, you use the "Run" setting in the
"Program" section, BUT you also need to go to the "Misc"
section and uncheck "Always suspend" in the "Background" setting.
Thanks to Roger G4IDE for the win95 bit
The new features to qu means that it is now possible for
people to connect to your station and read your archived mail.
The program has been set up so that it will only let archived
and some rx functions to be performed by the callsign of the station.
e.g. G7OCW can only use the functions when he is G7OCW. i.e.
you can only use /qu arhived functions from the winpack console
This can be overcome IF YOU SO WISH! by doing the following
edit the file c:\dos\qu.asc and put some blanks lines in the file
then save the file. Now anybody who is connected to you can use
/qu archived functions....
Comments and suggestion to Andy, G7OCW@GB7MAX.#28.GBR.EU
Got an Idea for a external program?, if so let us know it might get written...